market leaders

Understand why we are owner of this title

Always complying with quality and identity standards pre-established by law.

Our main partner in transportation is OPEX, a company of national and international transport.

Customer Support with suggestions and proposals for improvements in their activities and process so that it achieves its objectives

Market Leader, imports and distributes products from the Emporium, Fish and Noble Meats.

Who We Are

Learn a little more about our history

Opergel, with 25 years of experience, is a key player in the importation and distribution of fish in Brazil. Our line includes seafood and fish farming, with controlled origin and that come from over 20 countries, apart from those processed in our factory – PESC, in Santa Catarina.
With more than 5,000 active clients, in 2012 we achieved a sales volume of 20 million kg. Our operation is concentrated in the southeastern region of Brazil and is divided into: Wholesale Sales to Distributors and Processors, Retail Sales highlighting the supply of fresh salmon to large Supermarket Chains, and Food Service where we focus on Restaurants and Catering Services.

Check out our line of products

A variety of healthy and quality products

Note: Opergel does not sell to individual costumers




SP (11) 3021 - 8988
SC (47) 3406 - 8600


Av. Arruda Botelho, 684 - Cjs. 83/84 Alto de pinheiros, CEP 05466-900 São Paulo / SP - Brasil


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